POPULATION (2015): 2,978,204
Fuel specifications
Contact information for key state regulatory agencies
Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality, 501-682-0744
State Laws & Incentives
Alternative Fuel Definition and Specifications Alternative fuels include biofuel, ethanol, methanol, hydrogen, coal-derived liquid fuels, electricity, natural gas, propane gas, or a synthetic transportation fuel. Biofuel is defined as a renewable, biodegradable, combustible liquid or gaseous fuel derived from biomass or other renewable resources that can be used as transportation fuel, combustion fuel, or refinery feedstock and that meets ASTM specifications and federal quality requirements for each category or grade of fuel. Biofuel includes biodiesel or renewable diesel, renewable gasoline, renewable jet fuel and naphtha, biocrude, biogas, and other renewable, biodegradable, mono alkyl ester combustible fuel derived from biomass. Ethanol is ethyl alcohol derived from biomass that meets ASTM D4806-04a and federal quality requirements. Synthetic transportation fuel is a liquid fuel produced from biomass by a gasification process or other refining process that meets any applicable state or federal environmental requirement. (Reference Arkansas Code 15-13-102 and 26-62-102)
Alternative Fuels Tax and Reporting Excise taxes on alternative fuels are imposed on a gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) basis. The tax rate for each alternative fuel type is based on the number of motor vehicles licensed in the state that use the specific fuel, not including vehicles the federal government owns or leases. The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) and the Arkansas State Highways and Transportation Department must prepare an annual report with the number of alternative fuel vehicles licensed in the state and the tax revenue generated. The DFA must establish the annual tax rate by April 1st. Licensed alternative fuel suppliers must pay alternative fuel taxes for product dispensed, sold to a dealer or user, or used in a motor vehicle owned or operated by the alternative fuel supplier. Alternative fuel suppliers must prepare a monthly report on the number of GGEs of alternative fuels sold and possess a sufficient number of credits (also known as sales tickets) to cover the alternative fuel sales tax. (Reference Arkansas Code 19-6-301, 26-56-502, 26-56-601, and 26-62-201 through 262-62-209)
Federal Incentives
Ethanol Infrastructure Grants and Loan Guarantees
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) provides grants and loan guarantees to rural (population less than 50K) small businesses to purchase renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements. Eligible renewable energy systems include equipment used to distribute flexible fuels. The maximum grant funding is 25% of project costs and the maximum loan guarantee is $25 million. The program is funded through fiscal year 2018 but is subject to congressional appropriations thereafter. For more information, see the REAP website.
Point of Contact
Office of Rural Development, Business and Cooperative Programs
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Phone: (202) 690-4730
Ethanol plant direct E85/ethanol sales
Click here for a complete list of domestic ethanol producers and sales contacts for E85/direct ethanol sales