North Dakota
POPULATION (2015): 756,927
Fuel specifications
All retailers are required to sell 9.0 psi RVP gasoline from June 1-September 15.
Contact information for key state regulatory agencies
Department of Weights and Measures, 701-328-2400
State Laws & Incentives
The Biofuels Partnership in Assisting Community Expansion (PACE) Loan Program provides an interest buy down of up to 5% below the note rate to biodiesel, ethanol, or green diesel production facilities; livestock operations feeding by-products produced at a biodiesel, ethanol, or green diesel facility; and grain handling facilities which provide storage of grain used in biofuels production. Qualified biodiesel, ethanol, and green diesel production facilities located in North Dakota may receive up to $500,000 of interest buy down for the purchase, construction, or expansion of a production facility, or the purchase or installation of equipment at the facility. A biodiesel production facility must produce fuel that is comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oil or animal fats and that meets ASTM specification D6751. An ethanol production facility must produce agriculturally-derived denatured ethanol that is suitable for blending with a petroleum product for use in internal combustion engines. A green diesel production facility must produce fuel from renewable resources that meets applicable ASTM specifications. Loan terms vary based on the project type, and recipients of Biofuels PACE loans are not eligible for regular PACE loans. For more information, please see the Biofuels PACE Program website. (Reference North Dakota Century Code 17-03 and 57-43.2-01)
Recognizing that biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel will be an important part of the state's energy economy and advanced research in biofuels production from biomass will be critical to the long-term viability of biofuels, the North Dakota Legislature adopted the goal that 25% of the nation's energy consumption will come from renewable sources by the year 2025. (Reference North Dakota Century Code 17-01-01)
Alternative Fuel Labeling Requirements
Alternative fuel retailers must label retail dispensing units with the price, name, and main components of the alternative fuel or alternative fuel blend being sold. The labeling must follow established labeling specifications for petroleum-based fuels. An alternative fuel producer may provide the retailer with a label promoting the benefits of the alternative fuel if the label meets the specified requirements. Alternative fuel is defined as a fuel used in an engine or vehicle other than a petroleum-based fuel, including biodiesel and renewable diesel. Alcohol fuel blends containing at least 1% of alcohol by volume must also be clearly labeled at the dispenser and on any price advertisements. (Reference North Dakota Century Code 19-10-01, 19-10-03.1, and 19-10-03.3)
Federal Incentives
Ethanol Infrastructure Grants and Loan Guarantees
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) provides grants and loan guarantees to rural (population less than 50K) small businesses to purchase renewable energy systems or make energy efficiency improvements. Eligible renewable energy systems include equipment used to distribute flexible fuels. The maximum grant funding is 25% of project costs and the maximum loan guarantee is $25 million. The program is funded through fiscal year 2018 but is subject to congressional appropriations thereafter. For more information, see the REAP website.
Point of Contact
Office of Rural Development, Business and Cooperative Programs
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Phone: (202) 690-4730
Ethanol plant direct E85/ethanol sales
Click here for a complete list of domestic ethanol producers and sales contacts for E85/direct ethanol sales